Tuesday, December 31, 2019
The Parthenon Sculptures, The Rightful Possessions Of Greece
The Parthenon Sculptures, the Rightful Possessions of Greece The British Government have an obligation to give back the Parthenon Sculptures in the British Museum back to the Greek government. This essay will seek to explain the Greek Arguments of the cultural importance of the statues in Greece, the importance of uniting the statues with the Parthenon and the possible illegal possession of the statues. A recount on the attempted Mediation of the debate conducted by myself and 3 other classmates will also be stated in this essay. The Parthenon Sculptures of Athens, as stated by the Greek Historian Anaxagoras â€Å"Are a true representation of the splendour of Athens. They are a gem to the world, worthy of decorating that of Olympus†. Built in 447BCE, during the construction of the Acropolis of Athens, the Sculptures are considered by many in the modern world as being the finest samples of Greek Art during the supposed â€Å"Gilded Age†of Greek Culture from 600BCE to 150BCE. They consist of a vast collection of over 92 Metopes, 524 feet of elegant Frieze and 17 standing sculptures. Each of these constructions were formed through the usage of Parian Marble found in the Greek island of Paros, and were constructed alongside that of the Parthenon of Athens by the Athenians. Their primary purpose was to lavishly decorate the Parthenon, an Athenian temple constructed to worship the Greek God Athena. The Marbles were envied by other nearby Mediterranean nations such as Ancient Rome forShow MoreRelatedI nternational Cultural Assets in UK Museums: Return of the Elgin Marbles from Greece1957 Words  | 8 Pagesï » ¿The International Cultural Assets in UK Museums: Return of the Elgin Marbles From Greece Introduction The marbles of Greeces Parthenon have been situated in the British Museum for more than 150 years. The Elgin Marbles are stated to continue to be the focal points of an ongoing debate that will ultimately determine the historical influence of a particularly important culture. The Parthenon Marbles are reported to constitute a unique case in that they form part of a unique historical monument
Monday, December 23, 2019
Understanding Key Ideas And Issues - 1260 Words
Section 1 – Understanding key ideas and issues After viewing this film I understood the importance of preserving natural resources. In the film, Man of Steel, the idea of preserving, against exploiting natural resources is dramatized. Clarke’s birth world Krypton was driven to the point of destruction due to the overuse of natural resources. Kryptonians exploited all of the planets natural resources and the planet couldn’t function correctly and the world exploded from the inside. This came after Clarke’s birth father had warned the leaders of Krypton not to harvest Krypton’s core, â€Å"To harvest the core would be suicide. It accelerates the process of core explosion, depleting our energy reserves†. We as humans, are exploiting close to all of our natural resources without second thought. We chop down trees for fires, buildings etc. and by doing so we are tampering with our fragile environment, unbalancing the oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio and making our air polluted. We are also overusing and exploiting fossil fuels. Fossil fuels consist of oil, coal and gas. Fossil fuels are very important for humans. We use them every day, of every week, of every year. Fossil fuels are used to fuel cars and airplanes, power electricity plants, and heat our homes. They are also used to make medicines, cosmetics, plastics, synthetic fabrics, and lubricants. When you brushed your teeth this morning, you used a product made from fossil fuels – toothpaste. Look at your shoes – they are aShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Key Ideas And Issues1441 Words  | 6 PagesSection 1 – Understanding key ideas and issues After viewing this film I understood the importance of preserving natural resources. In the film, Man of Steel, the idea of preserving, against exploiting natural resources is dramatized. Clarke’s birth world Krypton was driven to the point of destruction due to the overuse of natural resources. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
Methodology: This prospective interventional survey was conducted from March 2007- February 2009 at the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Unit, Liaquat University of Medical Health Sciences, Jamshoro. Sample was collected by non chance convenience sampling. A predesigned proforma was used to roll up the information. We will write a custom essay sample on Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now SPSS 17 was used for informations analysis. Consequences: Age of 35 inducted patients ‘ ranged from 13-57 old ages with Mean ±SD age of 31 ±7.7 old ages. There were 29 males ( 82.85 % ) and 6 females ( 17.14 % ) . All flaps were survived ; partial tip mortification was seen in 3 patients ( 8.57 % ) . Mode of hurt was route traffic accident in 30 patients ( 85.71 % ) . Two immature males ( 5.71 % ) were with spoke wheel hurt. Two patients ( 5.71 % ) had force per unit area sore lesions. One patient ( 2.85 % ) has exposed calcanium due to fire hurt. Paresthesia on sidelong boundary line of pes resolved on its ain within 6 months period in all instances, there was no neuroma formation. Decision: Sural arteria flap is an outstanding pick for direction of soft tissue defects of lower appendage, specially exposed calcanium and malleolus due to its first-class blood supply and easiness of public presentation. Keywords: lower appendage Reconstruction, sural arteria, sural arteria flap, fasciocutaneous flap Introduction: Soft tissue coverage of lower appendages defect is disputing to both plastic and orthopaedic sawboness. Lower appendage is prone to trauma and jeopardies due to its location and low vascularity. Unlike trunk, there is limited figure of flap picks available for Reconstruction of lower limb defects. These flaps should be able to cover the defect specially any open bone, nervus, sinew or any major vass ; besides it should be easy to execute and give permanent consequences to patient. The really fist documented thought of fasciocutaneous flap was presented in 1980 by Poten, and that resulted because of advanced cognition and survey of anatomy of lower particularly in footings of neurovascular construction, muscular structure, and blood supply to clamber and deep facia. Poten described and emphasized upon the function of fasciocutaneous flap for Reconstruction of lower leg defects due to their dependability and safety profile. Upper and lower appendages have longitudinal dispersed superficial nervousnesss and hypodermic venas. It is advised that fasciocutaneous flaps should integrate these nervousnesss and venas which help in flap endurance and diminish the ratio of flap mortification and best illustration of such fasciocutaneous flap is sural arteria flap which is based on average superficial sural arteria which is a subdivision of superficial Sural arteria. The pedicel sural flap consists of superficial and deep facia, lesser sephanous vena, average superficial little arteria and sural nervus, whereas the flap consists of tegument with hypodermic tissue and facia along with above mentioned neurovascular constructions. Methodology: This prospective interventional survey was conducted form March 2007- February 2009 at the Department of Plastic Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Unit, Liaquat University of Medical Health Sciences, Jamshoro. During the survey period patients coming for coverage of lesion on lower appendages were included in the survey after obtaining informed consent. A predesigned proforma was used to roll up the data.. Patients were followed for a period of six months. SPSS 17 was used for informations analysis After all sterile steps the flap was raised. All patients were operated under spinal anaesthesia. After application of compression bandage, the surface markers were drawn at the sidelong boundary line of Achilles tendon medically and laterally at the border of fibular shaft. At sidelong malleolus a sidelong scratch is made, the median scratch is made at the sidelong boundary line of Achilles sinew which continues till the point of its interpolation at border of defect or tubercle of calcanium. After scratch on tegument and facia, the short sephanous vena is ligated and sural nervus is divided. Flap is than raised distally, subdivisions of peroneal arteria are included in sub facial fat in the flap to guarantee maximal blood supply. Flap is so advanced along the sidelong border of Achilles sinew. Donor side is so near chiefly if flap is little in size, otherwise natural surface is covered with partial thickness tegument grafting. After a period of 3 hebdomads the flap is detached and its distal portion is stitched back to its original location. Consequences Sural flap was done in 35 instances. Patient ‘s age ranged from 13-57 old ages with Mean ±SD age of 31 ±7.7 old ages. There were 29 males ( 82.85 % ) and 6 females ( 17.14 % ) . Majority of patients were between 31-40 twelvemonth of age Table I. All flaps were survived, partial tip mortification was seen in 3 patients ( 8.57 % ) , and remainder had good viability of full flap. Mode of hurt was route traffic accident in bulk of instances i.e. 30 patients ( 85.71 % ) . Two immature males ( 5.71 % ) with radius wheel hurt. Two patients had force per unit area sore lesions. One patient ( 2.85 % ) has exposed calcanium due to fire hurt. Paresthesia on sidelong boundary line of pes resolved on its ain within 6 months period in all instances, there was no neuroma formation. Discussion Reconstruction of lower appendage defect are still an mystery for fictile sawboness working in a apparatus where microvascular surgery installations are non yet available. The most common site is heel which is a weight bearing country and is prone to trauma and other jeopardies like force per unit area sores. The tegument over the heel is less nomadic and has hapless blood supply. Following rehabilitative ladder several options have been studied for soft tissue coverage of open heel including septo cutaneal, axial form, random form, musculus flap and free flaps. So far, fasciocutaneous flaps are proven to be an armamentarium for fictile sawboness, particularly when it comes to Reconstruction of lower appendage defects. Though many writers are of sentiment that medical plantar flap is the best option for coverage of open heel. However others are of sentiment that sural arteria flap offers the same. Viability of island flaps are ever questionable due to cut down blood supply, another o ption for coverage of open heel defects is sidelong calcaneal flap which is based on sidelong calcaneal arteria, it besides contain lesser sephanous vena and sural nervus. However once more it has a short coming o tantrums little size, that ‘s why it is non ever suited for open heel defects particularly larger in size. Distally based contrary flow sural arteria flap is option of pick since 1980s. it is based on median superficial sural arteria. The blood flow is in contrary from the peroneal arteria in distal portion of leg. Small nervus besides has its ain arterial supply. These all subdivisions anastomosis freely in superficial plane. Many writers have reported that distally bases sural artery flap as a versatile and dependable flap for Reconstruction of lower appendage defect. Several surveies have reported experience of coverage of calcaneal and malleolus defects with good result with sural flap. The major drawback of this flap is forfeit of sural nervus ; nevertheless surveies report that the esthesis improves over the period of clip and same was the instance in this series on a 6 months follow-up. Decision It is concluded that distally based sural arteria flap is an first-class option for coverage of soft tissue defects of lower appendage, specially exposed calcanium and malleolus due to its first-class blood supply. Table I Age gender distribution Age scope ( old ages ) Males Number of patients ( % ) Females Number of patients ( % ) 10-20 6 ( 17.14 % ) – 21-30 5 ( 14.28 % ) 1 ( 2.85 % ) 31-40 14 ( 40 % ) 3 ( 8.57 % ) 41-60 4 ( 14.4 % ) 2 ( 5.71 % ) Entire 29 ( 82.85 % ) 6 ( 17.14 % ) Chart I Mode of hurt How to cite Distally Based Sural Artery Flap Health And Social Care Essay, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Dance Styles free essay sample
Dancing and music in general has evolved through time. People who danced in style in the sixties would not fit in the generation of the new millennium. As years have passed by, it seems the style of dancing is getting to be bigger. It Is Inevitable that dance will change throughout our lives and so will its style. Some of the dance styles around today are tap, modern, swing, contra, country, belly dance and Latin dancing. Dancing has changed In relation to music, behavior and time passed. My three favorite dance styles are ballet, hip hop and Jazz.Ballet Is beauty; flow and elegance are Inherent In the elements of ballet. Ballet Is a classical dance form that can be mastered by It or used as a technical base or supplement to other dance forms. Classes focus on overall body alignment and awareness with emphasis on proper usage of feet and legs and execution of turnout. We will write a custom essay sample on Dance Styles or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Carriage and usage of upper torso and arms are also stressed. Traditional barrel work. Center work and combinations are included in all classes. Hip hop is a high-energy class that uses the latest sounds in rap, and pop music together with movements influenced by some of todays hottest music dido choreographers.Hip hop encompasses movement that has elements of popping, locking, and breaking as well as freestyle movement to give students the opportunity to develop their own sense of style. Hip hop is urban, its street, and its diverse and forever changing. Jazz is an exciting and ever evolving dance form full of rhythm, syncopation, passion and life. Steeped in the rhythm of Jazz music, a true American art form, jazz dance brings energy and life to all those who dance it. Jazz explores body isolations of the head, shoulders, ribcage, feet and arms which encourage individual expression ND the development of personal style. Jazz can be powerful and percussive or expressive and lyrical. Ever evolving, Jazz dance is taught with the music of today together with the classical Jazz of yesterday. Classes teach basic Jazz dance technique, terminology and movement quality with an emphasis on proper execution of jazz isolations, rhythms and style performed to contemporary music. Maybe dance is the best language and the one we should use and that Is why all cultures have dance. Dance is smoothing and relaxing. When someone needs a break from anything then the best way to get away Is to dance. If someone looks they can find millions of dances to dance to. Someone can tap dance, do other cultural dances or maybe Just dance with their heart. When you want to dance then dance as though no one Is watching and dance because you want to dance. By charcoal have passed by, it seems the style of dancing is getting to be bigger. It is inevitable dancing. Dancing has changed in relation to music, behavior and time passed. My Ballet is beauty; flow and elegance are inherent in the elements of ballet. Ballet is a classical dance form that can be mastered by it or used as a technical base or ark, center work and combinations are included in all classes. Hip hop is a high-energy class that uses the latest sounds in rap, RB and pop music together with movements influenced by some of todays hottest music passion and life. Steeped in the rhythm of Jazz music, a true American art form, Jazz of Jazz isolations, rhythms and style performed to contemporary music. Maybe dance is the best language and the one we should use and that is why all from anything then the best way to get away is to dance. If someone looks they can no one is watching and dance because you want to dance.
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