Monday, December 23, 2019
Understanding Key Ideas And Issues - 1260 Words
Section 1 – Understanding key ideas and issues After viewing this film I understood the importance of preserving natural resources. In the film, Man of Steel, the idea of preserving, against exploiting natural resources is dramatized. Clarke’s birth world Krypton was driven to the point of destruction due to the overuse of natural resources. Kryptonians exploited all of the planets natural resources and the planet couldn’t function correctly and the world exploded from the inside. This came after Clarke’s birth father had warned the leaders of Krypton not to harvest Krypton’s core, â€Å"To harvest the core would be suicide. It accelerates the process of core explosion, depleting our energy reserves†. We as humans, are exploiting close to all of our natural resources without second thought. We chop down trees for fires, buildings etc. and by doing so we are tampering with our fragile environment, unbalancing the oxygen to carbon dioxide ratio and making our air polluted. We are also overusing and exploiting fossil fuels. Fossil fuels consist of oil, coal and gas. Fossil fuels are very important for humans. We use them every day, of every week, of every year. Fossil fuels are used to fuel cars and airplanes, power electricity plants, and heat our homes. They are also used to make medicines, cosmetics, plastics, synthetic fabrics, and lubricants. When you brushed your teeth this morning, you used a product made from fossil fuels – toothpaste. Look at your shoes – they are aShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding Key Ideas And Issues1441 Words  | 6 PagesSection 1 – Understanding key ideas and issues After viewing this film I understood the importance of preserving natural resources. In the film, Man of Steel, the idea of preserving, against exploiting natural resources is dramatized. Clarke’s birth world Krypton was driven to the point of destruction due to the overuse of natural resources. Kryptonians exploited all of the planets natural resources and the planet couldn’t function correctly and the world exploded from the inside. This came afterRead MoreThe Debate Over Sugar Tax Essay1475 Words  | 6 Pagesif it is a good idea or not.†The understanding of the problem comes from a Neo-Liberal perspective, as Grieve supports the idea that nothing should be done to intervene with the idea of Consumer Sovereignty. Various possible Policy Initiatives could result from this understanding of the problem, these could include things such as â€Å"Open Information†policies, and policies with the manufacturers company in regard to Bulk Sale. The understan ding of the problem, due to not understanding the extent ofRead MoreMusic Industry: Written Report1615 Words  | 7 Pages Attendance on this module is expected and any absences will be referred to your personal tutor. 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